Yeah, yeah I know I’m a little late coming to the party.
I want to start using products that are healthier for the environment and safer for us. But I’m not really sure what to use or even a reputable site to search for new items.
I’d love any recommendations, suggestions or ideas- both for products or sites to use as a resource.
Items to switch-out for “greener” choices:
-clorox wipes
-dishwasher tabs (we currently use electrasol tabs)
-dish detergent
- dusting product (like pledge)
-swiffer (i.e. floor cleaner)
-fabric softener
-laundry detergent
-toilet bowl cleaner
-scrubbing bubbles (shower cleaner)
-soft scrub
-cleans well (duh)
-relatively easy to find (I’m ok with going to Whole Foods, etc. but I’m not willing to drive to a random store 20 miles away)
-price, I expect to pay a dollar or two more, but I don’t want to spend a small fortune on cleaning products
Thanks for any feedback!

I'm a method and vinegar girl. I use Method naked wipes and all purpose spray for EVERYTHING. I use vinegar and water on our floors. I did buy a Method tub and tile cleaner but hate the smell, so I don't have a rec for that.
Check Windex. I think it already is "green" and so are many of that companie's products. Says it right on the label. Most stores (like Stop & Shop) have an whole section of Green cleaning products now.
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