Monday, February 22, 2010


We still have plenty of snow in DC, but it is starting to feel like spring in my house.  I snatched a Smith and Hawkin Amaryllis kit for $2.00 at a Target after-Christmas sale.  The kit included a bulb, dehydrated dirt, and a cream planter.  I figured even if it didn't grow I was getting a simple, pretty, mid-size pot for a good deal.  I just realized the pot isn't shown in these photos, oops. grew- tall.  It was fun to watch, it seemed like all of a sudden it shot up out of nowhere.  Over the weekend the 4 (!) flowers bloomed.  They are so pretty, I love having them in the house.  I can almost trick myself into believing spring is around the corner. 

Last night some of the leaves fell over from their own weight.  They are still attached but are drooping over the edge of the pot.  Is there something I can do help them?

Anyone know if this flower will bloom again?


Jordan said...

ooh, very nice. My mom got me a kit just like that for christmas, it's amazing how fast they grow and how big they get!

here's mine:

When the flowers died, I just threw it out... so I don't know if it will bloom again?? Whoops!

John said...

This is what you need to know about the plant.

Kelly said...

Beautiful! If only spring was coming sooner than the snow they are calling for tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I had one a few years ago and just threw it out..

I wish I had bought one for my first graders to watch grow this Spring!

I want more house updates! :)