I like you, I voted for you and I was excited to take part in your historic inauguration day. I was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to make our way downtown. For weeks the local media has been forecasting a giant clusterf**k of people and transportation issues. But I boarded the metro at 9:15 and was in McPherson square by 10:20; while we had to stand shoulder to shoulder in the car it was no worse than after a Nationals game. To enter the parade area there was no line and security was a breeze (save the nasty cop who patted me down, but you can’t be blamed for that). We found a decent spot, on
Now, if you knew me personally you’d be quite impressed with the above description. I cannot think of another time in my life when I have stood in one place for 5 hours without complaining. I am not known for my patience, in fact I have a reputation of being very impatient. I get restless on a 3 hour plane ride and annoyed when waiting 20 minutes to ride a log flume. I do not like sitting, or in this case standing, and doing nothing. I get bored easily, and am very vocal when bored or impatient. However, yesterday I waited for you. But you were late- very late! I understand tardiness (especially in light of the medical emergencies I found out about later), punctuality is not one of my strengthens either. Yet, I try very hard to communicate with people when I’m running late. I inform them of the reason for my delay and expected time of arrival. I was sorely disappointed that you did not give us the same consideration. Many people, including lots of children, who had been standing in the cold for hours waiting for a glimpse for you, gave up and left when you were over an hour late. I felt really bad for the children who were so tired and cold yet were so eager to see you.
I stood strong though. So, I hope you’ll understand my anger with you about your decision to remain in the car. I know you got out and walked a few times. In my opinion you should have walked the whole route, it is only 1.5 miles. And security was very tight; three snipers on every rooftop, police or military personal every foot, not to mention the 9 huge SUV’s surrounding your car, and that is just the security I saw. I know someone on your campaign staff must have mentioned first impressions to you, how important they are and how you only have once chance to make a good one. Well, the first presidential impression you left with me was one of rudeness, inconsideration and elitism.
While I was disappointed I didn’t get to see you stroll by, I am still glad I made the effort to participate in this special day. Seeing your smiling face and waving hand behind 5 inches of glass as your limo passed by is still more than most people will ever experience. It was a memorable event.
Now, please go repeal “No Child Left Behind” so that I can forgive you and we can move on from this disappointing episode quickly.
PS- We made it home without trouble too. We even got seats on the metro.

***if you look quickly and closely, you can see him behind the heavly tinted window.
I'm jealous, what an amazing event to attend. I normally would breakout in hives at the thought of the crowds and standing around, but it sound like I would have been just fine!
And I was laughing at your comment about Chester's "allowance" - we call it Casco's "walking around money" and remind him every time he needs food of his budget. Lol, ridiculous!
this is very true... only been early at her birth, however, i am proud and jealous of you. he did make some very poor bulls**t choice to stay in the car just bc hes wife didnt know how to dress (HELLO youre from Chitown you know what cold is) but good just to you 2 for waiting thru the tardiness and just looking at a limo
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